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Rotation ( Futsal )

Written By Irfan Rachmad Permadi on Monday, March 19, 2012 | 7:07 PM

Because futsal is played in a relatively small pitch, players can’t easily come into scoring situations. Rotations can help players to come into scoring situations more often, because players that are constantly changing positions are much more difficult to defend than players that don’t move so much. The purpose of the rotation is to confuse the opponent and to make them run so they get tired. Changing the rhythm of play is also very important in futsal. If we run slow and then change our direction very fast, the player that is covering us can’t follow us and we can receive the ball easier.

Futsal tactics - Basic rotation on the sides 

The God of Futsal The God of Futsal

Alessandro Rosa Vieira ( Falcao )

Personal data

Name: Alessandro Rosa Vieira

Born: Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 8, 1977

Height: 177 cm

Position: winger

Formation Futsal ( Formation 1-2-1 )

Futsal game relies heavily on high technical ability of each player without exception.Individual techniques are combined collectively to execute a skilled tactics and strategies and conceptualized. Form of implementation of tactics and strategy in the field is a series of game scenarios formations known as futsal game (futsal formation).

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